EC Australia

Recent selected research papers from Australia

Collins, J. C., Schneider, C. R., & Moles, R. J. (2018). Emergency contraception supply in Australian pharmacies after the introduction of ulipristal acetate: a mystery shopping mixed methods study. Contraception.

Dorney, E., Botfield, J. R., Robertson, S., McGeechan, K., & Bateson, D. (2020). Acceptability of the copper intrauterine device as a form of emergency contraception in New South Wales, Australia. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 25(2), 114-119.

Downing, S. G., Payze, C., Doyle-Adams, S., & Gorton, C. (2011). Emergency contraception over-the-counter: Practices and attitudes of pharmacists and pharmacy assistants in far North Queensland. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 51(6), 527-531.

Hattingh, H. L., Emmerton, L., Ng Cheong Tin, P., & Green, C. (2016). Utilization of community pharmacy space to enhance privacy: a qualitative study. Health Expectations, 19(5), 1098-1110.

Higgins, S. J., & Hattingh, H. L. (2013). Requests for emergency contraception in community pharmacy: An evaluation of services provided to mystery patients. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 9(1), 114-119.

Hobbs, M. K., Taft, A. J., Amir, L. H., Stewart, K., Shelley, J. M., Smith, A. M., . . . Hussainy, S. (2011). Pharmacy access to the emergency contraceptive pill: a national survey of a random sample of Australian women. J Contraception, 83(2), 151-158.

Hope, D., Grant, G., & King, M. (2015). What drug-emergency contraception: Ulipristal or levonorgestrel as emergency contraception. Australian Pharmacist, 34(12), 65.

Hope, D. L., Hattingh, H. L., & King, M. A. (2016). Australian pharmacy students’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours regarding emergency contraception. Pharmacy Education, 16.

Hope, D. L., Hattingh, L., & King, M. A. (2019). Emergency contraception awareness in an at-risk population. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 49(5), 460-465.

Horsfield, E., Clark, T., Kelly, F., & Sheridan, J. (2010). Youth-friendly pharmacies. Youth Studies Australia, 29(4), 38-45.

Hussainy, S. Y., Ghosh, A., Taft, A., Mazza, D., Black, K. I., Clifford, R., Jackson, J. K. (2015). Protocol for ACCESS: a qualitative study exploring barriers and facilitators to accessing the emergency contraceptive pill from community pharmacies in Australia. BMJ open, 5(12), e010009.

Hussainy, S. Y., Stewart, K., Chapman, C. B., Taft, A. J., Amir, L. H., Hobbs, M. K., . . . Smith, A. M. (2011). Provision of the emergency contraceptive pill without prescription: attitudes and practices of pharmacists in Australia. Contraception, 83(2), 159-166.

Hussainy, S. Y., Stewart, K., & Pham, M.-P. (2015). A mystery caller evaluation of emergency contraception supply practices in community pharmacies in Victoria, Australia. Australian journal of primary health, 21(3), 310-316.

Leung, J., Pirovich, R., Woods, C., & de Costa, C. (2014). Knowledge of contraceptive methods and services among tertiary students in far North Queensland. The Australian & New Zealand Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 54(4), 386-389.

Mazza, D., Harrison, C., Taft, A., Britt, H., Hobbs, M., Stewart, K., . . . Brijnath, B. (2014). Unplanned pregnancy and emergency contraception in Australia: unsolved dilemmas. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health, 38(2), 110-111.

Mazza, D., Harrison, C. M., Taft, A. J., Britt, H. C., Hobbs, M., Stewart, K., . . . Brijnath, B. R. (2014). Emergency contraception in Australia: the desired source of information versus the actual source of information. Medical Journal of Australia, 200(7), 414-415.

Mazza, D. (2017). Ulipristal acetate: An update for Australian GPs. Australian Family Physician, 46(5), 301.

Mooney-Somers, J., Lau, A., Bateson, D., Richters, J., Stewart, M., Black, K., & Nothnagle, M. (2019). Enhancing use of emergency contraceptive pills: A systematic review of women’s attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and experiences in Australia. Health Care for Women International, 40(2), 174-195.

Ritter, T., Dore, A., & McGeechan, K. (2015). Contraceptive knowledge and attitudes among 14–24-year-olds in New South Wales, Australia. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health, 39(3), 267-269.