Dr Clare Boerma is the Medical Director at Family Planning NSW.
Clare has worked as a clinician across urban and remote settings and is passionate about sexual and reproductive health and rights, including promoting access to high-quality contraceptive information and services, particularly for underserved populations. She was previously a Conjoint Associate Lecturer at the School of Women’s and Children’s Health at the University of NSW.
Clare now works across all pillars at Family Planning NSW, contributing to the organisation’s role in advocacy, health promotion, medical education, research and working as a clinician in Family Planning NSW and outreach clinics. She enjoys collaborating with interdisciplinary teams and contributing to research to inform optimal care.
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Cheng, Y., Wilson, E.G., Botfield, J.R., Boerma, C.J., Estoesta, J., Peters, L.J., & McGeechan, K. (2021).Outcomes of routine screening for reproductive coercion in a family planning service. Sex Health, 18(5). DOI: 10.1071/SH21079.
Cheng, Y., Boerma, C., Peck, L., Botfield, J.R., Estoesta, J., & McGeechan, K. (2021). Telehealth sexual and reproductive health care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Med J Aust, 215(8). DOI: 5694/mja2.51219. DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51219.
Deans, A.K., Boerma, C.J., Fordyce, J., De Souza, M., Palmer, D.J., & Davis, J.S. (2013). Use of Royal Darwin Hospital emergency department by immigration detainees in 2011. Med J Aust, 199(11), 776-8. DOI: 10.5694/mja13.10447.
Clinical practice-based articles
Boerma C., Lowe J. How to Treat: Irregular Vaginal Bleeding. AusDoc. 2022 Jun 10. Available from: https://www.ausdoc.com.au/how-treat/irregular-vaginal-bleeding?login=true
Pearson, S., Boerma, C., McNamee, K., Bateson, D., Long-acting reversible contraceptives: New evidence to support clinical practice, Australian Journal of General Practice, Vol. 51, available online, Apr 2022
Boerma C, Bateson D. A GP guide to oral contraceptives. Clinical focus therapy update. AusDoc. 2021 Oct 15. Available from: https://www.ausdoc.com.au/therapy-update/gp-guide-oral-contraceptives
Boerma, C.J., Pearson, S., & McNamee, K. (2020). Clinical focus: case report. Insertion site update for contraceptive implants. AusDoc.
Boerma, C.J., & Wray, L. (2020). Vaginal discharge – misconceptions, causes and treatments. Medicine Today 2020; 21(2), 39-44.
Books and book chapters
Bateson, D., & Boerma, C.J. (2020). Reproductive and Sexual Health: An Australian Clinical Practice Handbook (4th ed.). Family Planning New South Wales.
Contraception protocols primary reviewer for: Remote Primary Health Care Manuals (RPHCM). 2022 edition. Flinders University and Rural and Remote Health SA & NT. Included individual contributions to: School aged children and youth Expert Advisory Group, Barrier contraception protocol, Condoms protocol, Contraception – general principles protocol, Contraceptive pills protocol, Emergency contraceptive pills protocol, Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), Naming contraceptions protocol